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Anna-Maria Bribiesca

from a very young age, anna-maria bribiesca’s artist parents, influenced her passion for the visual arts.

being of mexican-nz ancestry she is drawn to multiple disciplines. “i appreciate all the arts. over the years i have experimented with various forms of art – moving image, jewellery, sculpture, textile, painting and photography. it is lifelong learning for me that never ceases. for me it is intrinsic and I have to make art”.

anna-maria currently teaches art, has a bva and a med honours conversaciones con mi sangre from the university of auckland. this thesis’ discourse examines her perception on art passed on from her rich and diverse heritages.

anna-maria has had numerous solo and group shows over the years as well as experience in curating art exhibitions.

after recently spending some time in mexico, anna-maria was inspired to create her latest art works. “i can’t help but reference my cultures, the colour and diversity of the mexican arts. it is everywhere you look. mexico es arte – el arte es mexico. viva mexico!”

(click on images for more details of work and to buy online)

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